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Resultados > Otras publicaciones del equipo sobre ecología del fuego

Thorn, S., C. Bässler, R. Brandl, P. J. Burton, R. Cahall, J. L. Campbell, J. Castro, C. Y. Choi, T. Cobb, D. C. Donato, E. Durska, J. B. Fontaine, S. Gauthier, C. Hebert, T. Hothorn, R. L. Hutto, E. J. Lee, A. B. Leverkus, D. B. Lindenmayer, M. K. Obrist, J. Rost, S. Seibold, R. Seidl, D. Thom, K. Waldron, B. Wermelinger, M. B. Winter, M. Zmihorski, and J. Müller. 2018. Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55:279-289.


Font B, Puig-Gironès R & Pons P (2015) Anàlisi dels factors determinants en la rebrotada del bruc boal (Erica arborea L.) després de l'incendi de l’Alt Empordà del 2012. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, 46: 255-274. DOI: 10.2436/20.8010.01.181


Rost J, Jardel-Peláez EJ, Bas JM, Pons P, Loera J, Vargas-Jaramillo S, Santana E (2015) The role of frugivorous birds and bats in the colonization of cloud forest plant species in burned areas in western Mexico. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 38: 175-182.


Serrat A, Pons P, Puig-Gironès R, Stefanescu C (2015) Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 38: 207-220.


Rost J, Hutto, RL, Brotons, L & Pons P (2013) Comparing the effect of salvage logging on birds in the Mediterranean Basin and the Rocky Mountains: common patterns, different conservation implications. Biological Conservation, 158: 7-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.08.022

Pons P, Clavero M, Bas JM & Prodon R (2012) Time-window of occurrence and vegetation cover preferences of Dartford and Sardinian warblers after fire. Journal of Ornithology, 153: 921-930. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-012-0822-6 


Rost J, Bas JM & Pons P (2012) The importance of piling wood debris on the distribution of bird-dispersed plants in burned and logged Mediterranean pine forests. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 21: 79-85. DOI: 10.1071/WF10068 


Rost J, Clavero M, Brotons, L & Pons P (2012) The effect of postfire salvage logging on bird communities in Mediterranean pine forests: the benefits for declining species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49: 644-651. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02127.x


Rost J, Pons P & Bas JM (2012) Seed dispersal by carnivorous mammals into burnt forests: an opportunity for non-indigenous and cultivated plant species. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13: 623-630. DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2012.08.016


Zozaya EL, Brotons L, Saura S, Pons P, Herrando S (2012) Connectivity determines post-fire colonisation by open-habitat bird species: The case of the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana. Ardeola, 59: 57-74.


Azeria ET, Ibarzabal J, Hebert C, Boucher J, Imbeau L & Savard, J-PL (2011) Differential response of bird functional traits to post-fire salvage logging in a boreal forest ecosystem. Acta Oecologica, 37: 220-229.


Pons P (2011) A subalpine rangeland bird community before and after fire: prescribed burning in the Eastern Pyrenees. Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia, 27: 1-9.


Pons P & Clavero M (2010) Bird responses to fire severity and time since fire in managed mountain rangelands. Animal Conservation, 13: 294-305.


Rost J, Clavero M, Bas JM & Pons P (2010) Building wood debris piles benefits avian seed dispersers in burned and logged Mediterranean pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 79-86.


Zozaya EL, Brotons L, Herrando S, Pons P, Rost J & Clavero M (2010) Monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of bird communities in Mediterranean landscapes affected by large wildfires. Ardeola, 57 (special): 33-50.


Chabot M, Blanchet P, Drapeau P, Fortin J, Gauthier S, Imbeau L, Lacasse G, Lemaire G, Nappi A, Quenneville R & Thiffault E (2009) Le feu en milieu forestier (Chap. 27). In: Manuel de foresterie, 2e éd. Éditions MultiMondes, Québec. pp. 1037-1090.


Herrando S, Brotons L, Guallar S, Sales S, Pons P (2009) Post-fire forest management and Mediterranean birds: the importance of the logging remnants. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 2153–2164.


Rost J, Pons P, Bas JM (2009) Can salvage logging affect seed dispersal by birds into burned forests? Acta Oecologica, 35: 763–768.


Santana E, Jardel E, Pons P (2009) Manejo del fuego y conservación de la fauna silvestre en ecosistemas forestales de montaña. In: Flores-Garnica J.G. (ed.). Impacto ambiental de incendios forestales. Capítulo 15. Mundi Prensa México. pp. 195-222.


Brotons L, Herrando S & Pons P (2008). Wildfires and the expansion of threatened farmland birds: the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana in Mediterranean landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 1059-1066.


Pons P, Bas JM, Prodon R, Roura-Pascual N & Clavero M (2008). Territory characteristics and coexistence with heterospecifics in the Dartford warbler Sylvia undata across a habitat gradient. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62: 1217–1228.


Pons P (2007). Consecuencias de los incendios forestales sobre los vertebrados y aspectos de su gestión en regiones mediterráneas. In: Camprodon, J. & Plana, E. (eds.). Conservación de la biodiversidad, fauna vertebrada y gestión forestal. Segunda edición revisada y ampliada. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 229-245.


Brotons L, Pons P & Herrando S (2005). Colonisation of dynamic Mediterranean landscapes: where do birds come from after fire? Journal of Biogeography, 32: 789-798.


Pons P & Bas, JM (2005). Open-habitat birds in recently burned areas: the role of the fire extent and species' habitat breadth. Ardeola, 52: 119-131.


Pons P & Wendenburg C (2005). The impact of fire and forest conversion into savanna on the bird communities of West Madagascan dry forests. Animal Conservation, 8: 183-193.


Roura-Pascual N, Pons P, Etienne M & Lambert B (2005). Transformation of a rural landscape in the eastern Pyrenees between 1953 and 2000. Mountain Research and Development, 25: 252-261.


Pons P, Henry PY, Gargallo G, Prodon R & Lebreton JD (2003). Local survival after fire in Mediterranean shrublands: combining capture-recapture data over several bird species. Population Ecology, 45: 187-196.


Pons P, Lambert B, Rigolot E & Prodon R (2003). The effects of grassland management using fire on habitat occupancy and conservation of birds at a mosaic landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12: 1843-1860.


Pons P, Rakotobearison G & Wendenburg C (2003). Immediate effects of a fire on birds and vegetation at Ankarafantsika Strict Nature Reserve, NW Madagascar. Ostrich, 74: 146-148. 


Pons P (2002). The population responses of birds to fire in Mediterranean ecosystems. In Pardini, G. & Pintó, J. (eds.), Fire, landscape and biodiversity: an appraisal of the effects and effectiveness. Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Girona, Girona, pp. 57-68.


Rigolot E, Lambert B, Pons P & Prodon R (2002). Management of a mountain rangeland combining periodic prescribed burnings with grazing: impact on vegetation. In: Trabaud, L. & Prodon, R. (eds.). Fire and biological processes. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 325-337.


Pons P (2001). The wintering of migrant Dunnocks  Prunella modularis in two Mediterranean habitats after fire. Bird Study, 48: 68-75.


Imbeau L, Savard J-PL & Gagnon R (1999) Comparing bird assemblages in successional black spruce stands originating from fire and logging. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 77: 1850-1860.


Pons P (1999). Brûlage dirigé et incendie sauvage: ont-ils l’un et l’autre le même impact sur l’avifaune? Forêt Méditerranéenne, 20: 103-114.


Pons P (1998). Bird site tenacity after prescribed burning in a Mediterranean shrubland. In: Trabaud, L. (ed.). Fire Management and Landscape Ecology. International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington, pp. 261-270.


Abel, S & Pons P (1998). Effect of prescribed burning on ground-foraging ant community in a mediterranean maquis. In: Trabaud, L. (ed.). Fire Management and Landscape Ecology. International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington, pp. 253-259.


Pons P & Prodon R (1996). Short-term temporal patterns in a mediterranean shrubland bird community after wildfire. Acta Oecologica, 17: 29-41.


Pons P (1995). Ankarafantsika 1994 Expedition: an Ecological Study of Deforestation in Western Madagascar. In: Winser, S. & Hercod, F. (eds.). Expedition Yearbook 1994. Royal Geographical Society, London, pp. 26 & 143-144.


Prodon R & Pons P  (1993). Postfire bird studies: methods, questions and perspectives. In: Trabaud, L. & Prodon, R. (eds.). Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Commission of the European Communities, Bruxelles, pp. 332-343.

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